Wednesday, February 11, 2009

fables of a bygone digital era as told to my unborn child

When I was your age,we never had CDs.We had these things called 'floppy discs'.And they really were floppy so u had to be careful not to bend them!And they could get fungus on them,so you had to make sure they were clean and dry!At the most they could keep 200mb.But it didn't matter that they kept so little memory, our hard disc space at the time was 6gigs at the most, imagine that!

Now you see this man here wearing a shirt with the words 'Dirty Digital ' on it? Now that's a play on the a movie entitled 'Dirty Dancing', this was during a time when movies involving song and dance were more whorish and fun.Nothing like the crap you watch like High School Musical.

Another day, child.I'm going to tell you about Atari, Sega and Nintendo.

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